Tantra Shastra - An execution of Lord’s Wisdom

Shastras are classified into two types: Conventional and Tantric. While the former contains the Vedas, Upanishads, mythologies, and so on, the latter contains the philosophy of the Dasa Mahavidya deities, the incarnations of Goddess Shakti. Tantric Shastras talk about the goddess Shakthi, while conventional Shastras talk about Lord Shiva.
In contrast to conventional sastras, tantric sastras place a greater emphasis on observance (Anushtana), which zeros one’s ego. Tantric Shastra thus means spiritual execution. Anushtana requires one to merge with it and eventually shine as Shiva. This is the true purpose of this shastra. Tantric practitioners are endowed with vashikarana (subjugating others) and uchatana (talkative) powers as a result of their upasana.
The Tantric Shastras are connected to a wide range of philosophies. There are 64 Tantric books available today, which are thought to be Lord Shiva’s teachings to Goddess Parvathi. If you are unable to read these sastras, you can read the “Mahanirvana Tantra,” a comprehensive sastra that Lord Shiva taught Goddess Parvathi.
Tantric Shastras distinguish between two traditions: Dakshin Achara and Vam Achara. While the former addresses traditional forms of worship, the latter outlines the five Ms of Tantra shastra. These include the mudra, madhya, maithuna, mamsa, and matsya.
It is crucial to remember that this Shastra does not advocate practices that are harmful to other people. It is a practice that provides the ability to defend oneself. This shastra focuses on the Maha Samadhi, also known as Turyatita Sthiti, and the state of supreme consciousness, or the state of stillness.

Tantra Defined:

Tam ( Expansion) + Tra = going above and beyond. Tantra is that which expands on the fuller version of the Lord Shiva’s cognizance and leads you to him. Madhya (Divine nectar or wine), Mamsa (Meat), Maithuna ( Sexual Intercourse), and Mudra are the five makaras of Tantricism. It includes three categories as well: Agama- Lord Shiva’s teachings to Goddess Shakthi; Nigama- Parvathi’s teachings to Lord Shiva. Yamaha-The practise of uniting Lord Shiva and Shakthi.

The Salient features and essence of this Shastra are:

I. Pashu bhaava Tantrics
This is the first level which includes observing the Tantric Shastras’ five Ms: Madhyam ( wine), Mamsam ( nonveg), Maithuna ( sexual intercourse), Matsyam (fish) and Mudra. Tantric practice begins with this level.

II. Veera Bhaava Tantrics
The seeker from pashubhava Tantric practise will initiate observing the senses and controlling the six senses, Kama Krodha, Madha, Moha, and Matsarya, at this level of the Tantric sadhana. The seeker gains control of the above senses at this level.

III. Divya Bhaava Tantrics
The seeker is in a state of super consciousness and perceive eternal bliss at this level. To reach this level, one must advance past two. Mounam (silence), Marmikam (esoteric), Shuddha Manas (pure mind), and Mavanaatita sthiti (in a state beyond human)are the 5 Ms of this level (The state beyond human mind- super consciousness)… These three levels are crucial in Tantric practice.

Dasa Mahavidya and Yoni Aradhana by Tantra Shastra

The following two verses of Tantra Shastra explains the intutitive connection between Dasamahavidya and Yoni Aradhana:

Kali Tara yoni chihne
Kuntale chinnamastakaa |
Bhagalamukhi cha Matangi
Vasedhyoni sameepataha ||

Deities Kali and Tara stay in Yoni chakra. Bhagalamukhi and Matangi stay nearer to Yoni.

Yoni garte Mahalakshmihi
Shodashi Bhuvaneswari |
Yoni poojana matrena
Shaktipooja Bhavedruvam ||

Deities Mahalakshmi, Shodashi and Bhuvaneswari Devi stay inside the cave of Yoni. Yoni worship is identical to Shakti worship (the feminine generative power).