Siddhaguru’s selfless service started in the year 2002 with His first discourse on Shirdi Sai baba’s life teachings. Since then, Siddhaguru toured the length and breadth of India reaching out to the masses and delivering discourses on the lives of various Siddhagurus and their teachings, self-realization, ultimate bliss, kundalini power and, mind control.
Arunachala Aksharamanamala clarifies the real worship of Arunachala Shiva by Ramana Maharshi in 108 couplet verses.
Jun 2, 2020
Siddhaguru organized Shirdi Sai Centenary Celebrations at Mahapeetam, Ramaneswaram during Oct 2017 to Sep 2018.
Jun 2, 2020
Siddhaguru concluded that “Sri” of Sukta represents the God “Lord Shiva” and the god of wealth is Lord Shiva.
Jun 2, 2020
All the four Vedas (Rig-Veda, Sama-Veda, Yajur-Veda, Atharvan- Veda) converge at a single point saying that Lord Para Brahman is Parama Shiva.
Jun 2, 2020
This Suktam describes Lord Shiva as appellation Lord Ganesh flowing his grace on every being of the Universe.
Jun 2, 2020
Ishavasyopanishad is a part of “SHUKLA YAJURVEDA”. It is not an Upanishad and is in Prime Veda.
Jun 2, 2020
Siddhaguru, during 2016 Devi Navaratri celebrations, discoursed on Devi Kalottaram to spiritual seekers.
Jun 2, 2020
Radhakrishna Mai is the inspiration to all spiritual seekers. She is the creator of Shirdi Sai Aarthi, Sai Sansthan, Gokulastami, and Sri Ram Navami in Shirdi.
Jun 2, 2020